
Cat’s Imaging & Design is a freelance design company brought to you by Bill Wallbaum with over 17 years of experience in the industry. The mission has always been to bring clean elegant designs to startup companies through high production quality and modern technologies.

Elegant Design

What qualifies as a clean and elegant design? Usually, that means simplicity. While some companies offer large volumes of copy, we know that doesn’t necessarily do everything you need. The same thing applies to images. Top all that with the fact that you can embed video. It’s just a lot!

Short Attention Span

One of the biggest lessons learned through the teachings of time is balance. With the right balance, you can deliver any message in under 3 seconds. This is good because the average human has an attention span of 7 seconds!

The Journey

So, let’s talk a little bit about the journey to get here. Obviously, we have to touch a little bit on the topic of Bill and his experience. After all, that’s where Cat’s Imaging & Design came from.

As A Kid

Bill always had an affinity for art. Drawing through his entire childhood, his first logo was developed at the age of 8. It was the logo for his dad’s business, Handy Man

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